Extra Safe Space is a place for things you’ve never told anyone before. These will always be kept completely anonymous. To tell your secret, fill out this form (it doesn’t ask for or record any identifying info). That is the only criterion. Or read other people’s here as they come in.
I’m an only child, and though I wanted to, I didn’t have kids. I’m not wealthy and my husband is quite a few years older than I am. I’m pretty sure I won’t literally die on the street, but I am pretty sure that I will die totally alone.
Many of the entries to this column make me wonder how much healthier we could all feel if we shared – with even one person – the secrets about ourselves that we keep completely hidden. Thanks so much for sharing yours with us here.
This is so honest; it really touches my heart. You--who wrote this--are so self-aware, I bet you have/will/can form all sorts of other relationships and...if this helps--I love this quote from Ram Dass about dying: "It's like taking off a too tight shoe." I think that that's a personal (i.e., alone) step out of life either way.