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I don't know how to kiss.
I'm so excited to be the first person to comment on this, because I know exactly how you feel. All through high school and into college, I felt like I was supposed to intuitively know how to kiss and I just didn't so I think I put too much focus on it, which made me worse at it. One guy I dated in high school dated my friend Leah after and told her she was the best kisser – which I attributed to her being a floutist, something else I was never going to be (I played the violin). And then my brilliant college friend Stephen Treffinger told me to pretend like I was kissing with my whole body instead of my lips, which worked! So I'll pass that advice on to you in case it helps. And if not, don't stress and have fun trying.
Kissing is overrated imo!! I like it sometimes, but I hate that for most people it’s pretty much always the precursor to sex. You can have great sex without kissing!!!