Fuck It, I’m Wearing It: Deliciously Tacky CasinoCore
I’ll skip the “get lucky” puns, but these do make you look super-hot.
The part of me that’s still a reluctant mystic at heart loves to play with energy. And I think clothes help evoke different energies, bringing you the experiences and qualities you want. Our clothes are riddled with symbology and color, it all has meaning if we want it to. And in the most practical, non-romanticized aspect — it’s art. Art evokes feelings, and actually feeling the thing you want to experience is a cornerstone of manifestation because it helps your nervous system open to it in a really safe, slow, practical way, and familiarizes your internal systems with it.
I love casinos. I love being in places where you get exactly what you get, and there’s so much in the manufactured oxygen and smoke filled air. And I love embracing that life isn’t always fair and sometimes it’s just up to chance or the luck you make.
In other words, dress like the jackpot you want to hit. It’s science. Or magic. Or fashion. Whatever.
So here are my favorite casino/Vegas themed pieces I’ve been collecting over the years, all by small brands that are INCREDIBLY badass.
Cherry Bomb Set by Easy Tiger

Picture this: Me, in this cherry-themed set, strutting through the Pocono Palace love motel like I’m the Queen of Hearts herself. My girlfriend and I went on an unexpected love motel tour and I had this set packed in my bag because you never know when you’re going to need a full sequined matching set.
Yes, I wore the cherry set in the Poconos which is not, in fact, a fake place where rich white parents vacationed in ’80s movies, like Dirty Dancing. It’s a real ass place with real ass love motels. I credit this amazing adventure to my outfit, since cherries are symbols related to love, sexuality, and Venus.
Here’s pics of me in said martini glass tub with it on. And yes, I also wore it to the small casino up the street there, too. And to archery. Why not.
[Caption: Note for when uploading to Substack, these three can run as a “gallery” with one caption underneath]
Jackpot Full Fruit Dress by Easy Tiger

Easy Tiger, I love you. Yes, I wore the dress on my recent trip to Atlantic City even though no one dresses like that at casinos anymore and I was severely and almost embarrassingly making a spectacle of myself.
And no, I didn’t take pictures like I should have because it’s called completely forgetting being PRESENT.
Did I win the jackpot? No, I actually lost, like, 200 bucks. But did I feel like the jackpot? Yes, absolutely. Was it worth it? I mean yes wearing the dress, but I probably could have been more responsible with the money, but me and my best friend Orisha saw that we had 22 miles left, were going to arrive in 22 minutes, and it was 2:22pm so we really thought something big was going to happen. But numerology says 222 represents beautiful relationships and we bonded so hard, and that’s priceless. And we looked hot. And she wore the dress too at one point. Amazing. And Jackpot.
Ace of Spades Set by Groovy Daze
Goddess bless the designer of Groovy Daze because this Ace of Spades Vest is everything to me. It hugs me in every right way. The Spades symbol is still a symbol — it represents good luck, victory, and a leaf off the cosmic tree, which ties to the power of the mystery. Mysterious, powerful, victorious, and lucky — hell yes.
This piece makes me feel like I’m Joan Jett meets Joan of Arc, like a suit of armor that makes me remember what I’m made of, and that I always end up at the right place at the right time. So far, I can report that I’ve avoided every person at the bar I really didn’t wanna see while wearing it and have had amazingly good times.

I’m a Literal Fucking Card by Fashion Brand Co.

Okay that’s not the name of this dress, but I’m literally a fucking card. This playing card dress is from Fashion Brand Co and simply iconic. It’s so thick and well made.There’s a practice called Cartomancy which is basically tarot but for playing cards and each card has a specific meaning. According to this practice, the 3 of hearts symbolizes emotional growth, and deepening relationships. It's a card of emotional balance, creativity, and connection with others, and helps with emotional clarity, helping one make decisions from the heart. Perfect!
I personally consider this professional because I don’t show any cleavage — so I wear this when I go to the office of my other job, even though there’s no dress code and everyone else is in fashion forward barrel jeans. But because I don’t understand how to communicate properly in the corporate world and don’t know how to take it down a notch in any way — I wear this. Is it probably making matters worse and adding to my vaguely off-putting air? Yes, now that I’m really thinking about it. But hopefully it’s kinda endearing that I tried.
Honorable Mentions:
Here’s all the iconic vintage Vegas-style pieces I’ve collected over the years.

Here’s my hot tip to find gems like this - use a mashup of the following search terms with whatever item of clothing you’re looking for: Cherry, Casino, Las Vegas, kitsch, 80s, 90s, retro, whimsical, vintage, Novelty, playing card, jackpot, queen of hearts, ace of spades, dice, slot machine, 777, poker, casinocore - you get the picture.
Examples: Vintage Novelty Casino Sweater, 80s Kitsch Jackpot Jacket, Retro Ace of Spades Bomber Jacket, etc etc etc. Feel free to share your finds!

If you have any deliciously tacky things you love please share, especially if they are jackpot themed! And listen, my theory with clothes/manifestation has yet to be disproven, I want you to try it and report back. Choose a theme / symbol, and go out and see what happens. Just one night!! And let me know in the comments so I can ask you a million questions about it.
I would dance in that martini glass with you any day Ani!
Embodying the Queen of hearts in every way possible, only you ❤️