Get This Incredibly Priced New Deal On New Subscriptions in the New Year
Having closed out our first calendar year, here's what we're looking forward to doing with you in this next one
Happy happy happy New Year!
To start, I have to get this important business out-of-the-way: If you didn't say the words “rabbits rabbits rabbits” as your first words of January, 2025, you can still get all the good luck for this month and year (that you are due, clearly!). In case you are unfamiliar with the details of this policy, all you have to do is now say these six words out loud and in this order: "rabbits rabbits rabbits Tigger Tigger Tigger”. Note that there is some discrepancy as to whether the follow-up words should be rabbits backwards (stibbar stibbar stibbar), but I personally prefer Tigger and like to picture him/them bouncing into a happy new month – and in this even more important case, a new year - bringing all the goodness and joy we are now going to receive. Yay January 2025! Now that we will all have a great and lucky one, let’s enjoy the hell out of it! Together!
Here is some more almost-as-important business: a fancy new deal for you or anyone who has not yet subscribed to this site you’re reading, Subscribers get to immediately and instantly read everything we publish start to finish and also get access to live chats, exclusive merch, only-for-you gossip, giveaways and much more. If you’ve been on the fence about subscribing, or know some folks who might like seeing what we’re doing here, sign up this week and we will be thrilled to give you 20% off on all subscriptions. So that's a really pretty low rate of just over $6 for a month or just over $60 for a year.
While we may not be able to predict what exactly this new year has in store for the world at large, we can tell you what you can expect to find here at Another Jane Pratt Thing.
One of our favorite things since launching the site just a few long months ago has been meeting (and then often quickly getting on intimate terms with) the vast array of characters in the comments sections. We shared our politics, our pooping tricks, our sex details and jointly coined the term “anal upgrade”. The conversations range from touching and supportive to absolutely hilarious (and a little unhinged, in the best way possible).
In that same vein, some of our favorite moments have come in the subscriber-only group chats. Whether it was to come together on a turbulent election night or to gossip away a cold weekday evening, we all lived for these sessions. Expect to see a lot lot lot more of them in the future. And a fun video chat from my apartment (soon!) that will be extra wacko.
Another joy of launching this project was the opportunity to reconnect with writers from the Sassy, Jane and XOJane days, including Cat Marnell and Christina Kelly. There are a few more of those old-time writers coming up on AJPT, but I'm not going to give it all away just now. I think you'll be really excited to see them and hear from them after all these years, though!
It’s also been so satisfying continuing our classic genre-defining (haha but it’s true) series It Happened To Me, which debuted in the first issue of Sassy magazine and has not taken a break since (kind of like me). We have been inundated with moving, cringe-inducing, unique, goofy, mind-bending, hilarious and scary IHTM submissions from you and have proudly been featuring the results every week (click here to learn how to submit your IHTM to be published and paid the grand sum of $50). Each one feels like a close collaboration between me and these wonderful people I've never encountered before, and we can’t wait to share so many more of them with you.
It's also been effing amazing to hear from past readers of Sassy, Jane and XOJane - even some former Sassy readers who report that they are now raising their GRANDdaughters in the Sassy tradition! So it was fantastic - even if unsurprising – to see the response to our Sassy shirt giveaway. And while the opportunity to grab those exact shirts has passed, never fret, we have a different Sassy shirt now available to purchase. We’re currently building out our shop with plenty of different products in 2025, so be on the lookout for that too. I think you're going to love this stuff, but let me know either way.
Of course, there will be a lot more we-try-it-all investigations to come from our scrappy little team here. From my brother Ben providing more of his personal helpful home tips to Feminista reviewing everything there is to watch in the way that only she thinks and only she would say, from Charlie exploring the world of fashion to Ani testing healing experiences that scare the rest of us; to Vanessa getting real about aging to Esther covering some absolutely surreal experiences to Michael advocating for the important and silly things to Corynne’s adventures adjusting to life in suburbia, we have so much more to give you and then talk to you about (that talking afterward with you is my absolute favorite part - it’s like the best after-party ever).
Thank you for supporting this new venture so early on. It means the world to all of us. We look forward to a lucky 2025 with lucky lovely you.
Hey! I wanted to just write a quick comment here to thank everybody for following along with us in 2024. I've had so much fun writing my weird little stories and, much like the Grinch, my heart has grown to three times its size (metaphorically, not physically, I hope...) seeing the feedback from all of you. 2025 is certainly going to be a year, but I'm glad that we have this community to help us get through it. Happy New Year!
Former Sassy addict here who is hoping for more Christina Kelly pieces in 2025!
Also, is there any way to purchase old Sassy issues? Not all, just the ones with Jane as EIC!